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School Board Approves 2025-26 Open Zoned Schools

School Board Approves 2025-26 Open Zoned Schools
  • 2025
  • January

The Williamson County School Board approved the list of open zoned schools for the 2025-26 school year at its January 21 meeting. Students who attend school out-of-zone must provide their own transportation.

As part of the district's zoning policy, the School Board gives priority approval to a group of rising ninth graders. Those students must attend a Williamson County or Franklin Special District middle school where less than 15 percent of its students are zoned to a different high school other than their classmates. Students in that small group may choose to attend the out-of-zone high school in the feeder pattern prior to any open-zone requests being granted and provided that the high school has the capacity and is eligible for open zoning.

This applies to Page Middle eighth graders who are zoned to Centennial High. They have first priority for the 56 open seats at Page High. Eighth graders at Freedom Middle in the Franklin Special District who are zoned to Franklin High will have first priority to Centennial High's 216 seats. Eighth graders at Heritage Middle who are zoned for Summit High will have first priority for the 28 seats at Independence High.

Per state law, school districts are required to identify each school that has space available to serve additional students and post those vacancies on the district website two weeks before accepting applications.

If the number of applicants exceeds the space available in a school building, the district is required to conduct a lottery to select students. For that reason, all open-zoned school applications are held until after the application deadline.

Applicants must be Williamson County School District residents, and, if approved, must provide transportation to and from school. To request that a student attend a school they are not zoned for, families must complete the Out of Zone online application. The application will open on February 4 and remain available until April 15 for all requests except those related to residential moves, International Baccalaureate program of study applications or new employees.

Students currently approved to attend out-of-zone schools who are not changing buildings do not need to reapply. All rising sixth and ninth-grade students roll up to their zoned schools until the out-of-zone application is approved. 

Additional information about the open zoned schools and the list of available open zoned spots for each school can be found on our website's WCS School Zones page. Once available, the online application may also be accessed from this page.

  • District