Check Bus Route Information Before First Day
- 2024
- July
Families whose students will ride the bus during the 2024-25 school year can find bus stop information on the WCS Bus Routes and Transportation page.
It's important that families check the website before the first day of school as bus routes may have changed from last year. Families of sixth and ninth-grade students should make sure their children know their bus numbers as well since they will be entering a new building.
"Even if families have already checked their child's bus information, they should recheck a couple of days prior to August 5," said WCS Planning and Zoning Manager Allison Nunley. "Stops are added before the first day of school, which can affect the entire bus route."
Once the school year begins, students should be at their bus stop at least five minutes before the published time. Bus service requests may be updated throughout the school year using a parent's Skyward account. For example, if a student participates in fall sports and does not need to ride the bus at the beginning of the school year, the family may request a stop to be added once the season is over. It may take a few days for the request to be completed.
Families will be notified of changes through student notes distributed by the driver, text messages through the district's notification system and emails with a copy of the note attached. Notes are sent to parents and students if a stop time changes by 10 minutes or more due to a route change.
Families may track their child's bus and create push notification alert zones using the Stopfinder mobile app. Those new to the district or new to riding the bus will receive an activation email before the start of school. If there isn't an activation email in your inbox, please check the junk mail folder.
Once the subscription is activated, families may download the free app and sign in to view bus schedules. Families who used the app last year will still be able to access their accounts. Additionally, parents can share the schedule with other parents and caregivers by selecting the three dots beside the student's name.
Parents of students from last year can open the app and scroll the calendar to August 5 to see the bus schedule.
The Stopfinder Parent Guide on the WCS website offers more information about the app.
Staying Safe on the Bus
The WCS Transportation Department provides bus transportation to all eligible WCS students who travel to and from their zoned school each day.
Safety on and off the bus is the department's top priority. All buses are inspected before and during the school year. Drivers are trained throughout the year, and buses are equipped with GPS and digital cameras to ensure students have a safe environment.
The bus is an extension of the school day, and the school Code of Conduct, per School Board Policy 6.300, applies to behavior on the bus. Students may lose eligibility to ride if they violate the school bus conduct policy. Rules and regulations regarding conduct on the bus may be viewed on the WCS Bus Routes and Transportation page. Parents will also receive a pamphlet with WCS School Transportation Safety and Discipline Guidelines.
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