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Across the Board - January 21, 2025

Across the Board - January 21, 2025
  • 2025
  • January

The Williamson County School Board approved the list of open zoned schools for the 2025-26 school year at its January 21 meeting.

In his report to the Board, Superintendent Jason Golden thanked the public speakers and spoke about the Board's work session on Thursday, January 16. He also mentioned the ongoing public textbook review sessions.

In Student Spotlights, Page High's Eric Hazzard and Ravenwood High's Donovan Starr were recognized for being named the Tennessee Titans Mr. Football in their classes, 5A and 6A, respectively. Eric's coach is Charles Rathbone, and Donovan's coach is Will Hester.

From Brentwood High, Michael Gorokhosvsky and David Ward were celebrated for their National Association of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) National Student Production Award for Best Commercial. Their teacher is Sloan Ashworth.

Franklin High's Anna Raye Jones won a NATAS National Student Production Award for Best Sports Story or Segment. The FHS TV/Film teacher is Keri Thompson.

Several high school students were named to the Tennessee Cheer Coaches Association All-State Cheer Team. Those students include Brentwood High's Skyler Elle Kryscynski, Blakelee Schimmel, Ellie Grace Sneed and LiLi Vest; Fairview High's Hailey Hughes; and Page High's Anna-Kate Fox. Brentwood's Ellie Grace Sneed was also named Cheerleader of the Year.

Many student musicians were named to the All-State Band and Orchestra. From Brentwood High, Jay Sung, Todd Glenn and Leo Bai were named to the All-State Band, as was Centennial High's Zachary Marlo. Franklin High students Judy Hsu, Finnegan Saylor, Lydia Smith, Ryan Marina and Adam Gallers also earned spots on the All-State Band, as did Nolensville High's William Watson and Katie Sha. Three Page High students were also named to the All-State Band: Eli Wallace, Sloan Armstrong and Libbie Greeno. Ravenwood High's Caelan Dunlea, Isabelle Motsenbocker, Joseph McCoy, Ellie Park and Edison join them along with Summit High's Adam Purdon, Soren McDaniel, Euan Barr and Nick Edwards.

Students named to the All-State Orchestra include Brentwood High's Joanna Li, Geon Park, Eunice Jung, Andrew Gan, Noah Kim, Oscar Zhu, Audrey Yu and Aaron Kim; Franklin High's Taylor Henry; Independence High's William Honken-Krause and Kirk Mulkey; Nolensville High's Ethan Oh and Anna Mandrell; and Ravenwood High's Alice Koh, Megan Loh, Phoebe Kelso, Luka Hernandez Palmer, Shayla McCullough, Claire Kwon, Jibhoo Heo and Jubin Park.

The Fairview Middle wrestling team is the Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association (TMSAA) Wrestling State Champion. Their coach is Joe Brown.

Spring Station Middle's Addison Borden is the TMSAA Girls Wrestling 114-pound category State Champion. Her coach is Kobey Desselle.

In Staff Spotlights, Brentwood High's Rachel Lytle received the Tennessee Outstanding Biology Teacher Award from the National Association of Biology Teachers. 

In New Business, the Board:

  • Approved the Open/Closed School Zones (Annual Agenda Item)

In Other Business, the Board:

  • Approved the Agenda
  • Approved the Consent Agenda, which includes:
    • November 18, 2024 School Board Meeting Minutes
    • December 9, 2024 Special Called School Board Meeting Minutes
    • Report of Annual Review of Board Policies (Annual Agenda Item)
    • Shade Structure at Arrington Elementary School
    • Shade Structure at Scales Elementary School
    • City of Franklin Easement Request for the Innovation Hub Project
    • Field Trip Fee Requests

The meeting in its entirety may be viewed on the WC-TV YouTube Channel.

The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, at 6:30 p.m. 

  • District