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WCS Named Model PLC at Work District

WCS Named Model PLC at Work District
  • 2024
  • August

Williamson County Schools is the first district in Tennessee to be named a Model Professional Learning Community (PLC) at Work District. WCS received the designation from Solution Tree.

Schools and districts are recognized based on strict criteria, including a demonstration of a commitment to PLC concepts, implementation of these concepts for at least three years and clear evidence of improved student learning over that period.

"Williamson County Schools actually started this journey over 20 years ago at Ravenwood High," said WCS Director of Professional Development Dr. Pat Boyd. "In those 20 years, our schools have started in different places on a continuum working toward putting in the structures of being a PLC in place. They have dedicated time during the school day for teachers to work in those collaborative teams to create instructional practices designed to best help students demonstrate success."

The three big ideas of a PLC call upon educators to focus on learning, build a collaborative culture and create clear, measurable goals.

"It's a collaborative effort among all the teachers in our buildings to ensure high levels of learning for all students," said WCS Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Dr. Dave Allen. "It means that all of our schools, all of our teachers, all of our principals and all of our staff across the county are committed to the work. We're super excited about this designation."

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